#chipper top gun
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airlocksandaviaries · 6 months ago
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enthyrea · 1 year ago
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my tg86 piece for @topgunzine!
i actually drew this in april of last year- i’m so glad to finally post it! thank you to everyone who bought and supported the zine 🤍🛩️
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echoric · 1 month ago
Top Gun (1986) Characters as Animals
(that either i have personally worked with or people i know have worked with) (with explanations for each choice)
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell - Great Horned Owl: Known to kill other raptors including peregrine falcons and ospreys.
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Tom "Iceman" Kazansky - African Wild Dog/Painted Dog: Known to be incredibly intelligent, hunting in packs and wearing their prey down until they can kill it ("He just wears you down. You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's gotcha")
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Nick "Goose" Bradshaw - Rufous Bellied Kookaburra: One of the few species of birds that are social predators, known for their distinctive red bellies and 'laughing' call.
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Ron "Slider" Kerner - Amur/Siberian Tiger: The largest of all big cats, they are known for their ability to hunt prey that are larger than them and for their relatively calm demeanor.
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Rick "Hollywood" Neven - Puff Adder: Calm unless provoked, they are an ambush predator that is almost completely undetectable by scent and can remain completely still for hours until their prey happens by.
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Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe - Aardwolf: Actually a species of hyena, not a wolf, they are solitary apart from mates and pups unlike other species they are closely related to.
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Marcus "Sundown" Williams - Oceanic White Tip: One of the most abundant sharks, but very overlooked compared to its larger cousins; they have very bold attitudes and are not scared off easily, and they are known to be the first large fish to be found at a shipwreck.
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Charles "Chipper" Piper - Florida Scrub Jay: The only species of bird endemic to Florida (& 1 of only 15 species of birds endemic to the continental USA), they will cooperate with their mates while hunting and their offspring will remain in their parents territory for years after fledging, helping to raise other young. They are a species of corvid, and they have the same high intelligence and inquisitive nature of other corvids.
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Sam "Merlin" Wells - Lilac-breasted Roller: A very swift flier, they are known to engage in acrobatics during breeding season. They often perch on dead trees to look for prey, and are known to prey on animals fleeing from bush fires (& this is my photo of one i saw during a study abroad :D)
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Bill "Cougar" Cortell - King Penguin: One of the most iconic examples of parental care in animals, mated King Penguins will take turns holding their egg for two weeks at a time (7 weeks total) while the other parent hunts for food.
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Mike "Viper" Metcalf - Florida Panther: Typically solitary and territorial but fiercely protective of their kittens, they are known to fight other panthers larger than themselves to keep their kittens safe.
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Carole Bradshaw - New Caledonian Crow: A highly intelligent bird that is known to be able to craft and use tools to obtain food. They mate for life and are known to experience a decline in their health and anticipated lifespan once their mate dies.
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if people want a pt 2 with the daggers and other top gun maverick characters, it will be out once i have had a bit more time to think lol
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carmenell · 12 days ago
flyboys sexuality headcanons
maverick: bisexual
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goose: biromantic/heterosexual
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iceman: homosexual
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slider: asexual
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merlin: heterosexual
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wolfman: hollywoodsexual
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hollywood: wolfmansexual
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chipper: demisexual/heteroromantic
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sundown: heterosexual
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hailsbellsl · 8 months ago
Random Flyboys Headcanons
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell- Has a secret sweet tooth, at least he thinks it’s a secret. It was until he was drunk one night and about sobbed because there were no good desserts around
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw- Incredibly defensive about his mustache. He only shaved it one time and Bradley cried. Mav almost did too and it took Carole a while to look him in the eye
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky- He has a little teddy bear that he takes with him on deployments that no one knows about. I will not elaborate
Ron “Slider” Kerner- Deeply considered becoming a fitness instructor instead of going into the Navy. Probably has a few mugs with corny gym sayings
Rick “Hollywood” Neven- Not only does he have good looks but he can sing really well. One drunk karaoke night at the O Club and everyone was stunned
Leonard/Henry “Wolfman” Wolfe/Ruth- He’s a sleepwalker. Has given Hollywood many near-heart attacks. He’s also freaked out Iceman, he doesn’t like to talk about it
Charles “Chipper” Piper- Many think that his call sign came from a combination of his name. He actually slipped on the ice one winter and broke a tooth
Marcus “Sundown” Williams- Has an irrational fear of ladybugs. Only ladybugs. He finds other bugs pretty neat
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polar-equinoxx · 11 months ago
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“If you think, you’re dead,” - Maverick
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forumsdackel · 1 year ago
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Sundown and Chipper
Yes, the singing scene is iconic, but have you seen those two? More gifsets and stills on my blog/mostly focusing on TG and M:I. Any gif or still suggestions? Ask Box is open
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torchflies · 5 months ago
Hi TG Fandom!!!! 
(Climbing out of my work cave with this little AU, since I haven't had any free time to write BUT I did get some snazzy new forearm crutches to use when I teach and give lectures so this dude is winning at life tbh). 
Weird stuff starts happening when they're about a week into Top Gun. 
All the flyboys are trying to befriend Maverick, but he's making it impossible. That, or the guy just has selective amnesia. 
Wolfman tries to talk to him in the lunch line, but the sleep-deprived Maverick in front of him just walks right past him… in the wrong uniform? Is that a priest’s collar?
Hollywood has something similar happen to him, when he goes on a jog and bumps into Maverick pushing a baby in a stroller. A sleeping baby with a red pacifier in it’s mouth and a small girl with pigtails skating beside him. And is he wearing rollerblades too?? Hollywood tries to stop him in surprise, but Maverick shoots him a dirty look and keeps skating, tugging his kids closer. Rude.
Slider and Ice have their own trippy experience when they have to go to medbay because Ice twisted his ankle again — the man refuses to tape it properly — and another doctor pops in to grab a chart and it’s Maverick???
“Mitchell, what the hell?” Slider snaps, neither of them thinking Maverick was old enough to be double-certified. 
But Maverick looks stunned and very confused. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I needed this?” 
He keeps that weird look on his face as he ducks out the door and when they ask him about it in training, he just gives them the same weird look! 
It comes to a head when Chipper and Sundown see Maverick talking with another officer and walking down the hall one minute. Then, they duck into the hangar and Maverick is sitting right at his desk, chatting to Goose. 
It has to be a massive prank, it has to be!
Until they finally confront Maverick and Goose about it, and Mav turns bright red, while Goose can't stop laughing to save his life. He's honking and wheezing up a storm. 
“Oh God,” Goose finally gasps out, “The boys are never going to let you hear the end of this. You forgot to tell them!”
“Well, it wasn't the first thing that jumped to mind! Teddy isn't even Navy!”
Goose thwacks his pilot upside the head. “Lynds, Mal and Kiff work on the same base as us!” For the greater flyboy population he finally adds, “Identical quintuplets.”
Yessireee, five whole Mavericks, exactly what the world needed. 😂
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avianii · 2 years ago
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pulled out my neglected manga brushes for this one lol
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alicentsstark · 8 months ago
The 86ers: Maverick, is that legal? Maverick: When Viper isn't around, anything’s legal!
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i would write more icemav, but it's finals week, so here are some headcanons:
ice gives the best hugs. slider basically taught him how to hug, and since slider is the resident teddy bear, ice is a master
mav definitely doesn't mind this after he accepts that he's touchstarved
chipper, hollywood, wolfman, and merlin specifically make sure that mav eats vegetables when ice and slider are away
speaking of food, ice's slavic background (specifically russian and polish) is often very helpful when showing pete his past. He sticks to kosher (he's jewish), and shows mav pierogi. 
Mav absolutely loves home cooked meals. He got taste of all sorts of cultures and religion while in the system, and there were a few recipes he took with him, but there isn't anyone to teach him to cook. 
ice and mav take bradley on outings all the time. the zoo, the park, carnivals and cinemas. Carole loves that they spend time with him, and she loves that it gives her time to still have friends and time to herself.
tom gives forehead, hand, and nose kisses. Pete gives cheek, shoulder, and chest kisses. 
they started out as angry hookups to "blow off steam", but they very quickly realized that they were a lot more complicated than that. it took them way too long to confess, but they grew softer and sweeter much sooner than their peers had expected
that's all i got tonight, folks, but i hope you enjoyed it. if you have any headcanons to share/expand on, feel free to send an ask or dm me!
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kafka-ohdear · 8 months ago
"the graduation scene—" you mean the wedding scene
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echoric · 1 month ago
trans iceman who is scared of needles so he asks the others to do his t shot for him
this is so canon in my trans iceman truthing heart </3
Goose knew first - he met Iceman in the Academy and with his Mother Goose tendencies, he was the first person to get under that ice cold exterior that Kazansky always put up. He noticed how Ice would never change in front of the others, how he always showered last and was the first to the locker rooms in the morning, already in PT gear and warming up before anyone else even showed up. There was one day when he woke up early, couldn't get back to sleep, and decided to go to the locker room to get an easy warm up in before PT would start - and he promptly had a shoe thrown at his head while Ice scrambled for his shirt. They had a talk, Goose was sworn to secrecy, and a few weeks later, Iceman appeared at his door with a vial and a question and Goose was more than willing to help.
Slider was second - he met Iceman fresh out of the Academy, but he had known about the infamous pilot for years before that thanks to Goose. He knew about the prickly exterior and the walls that would take patience to get through, but he wasn't put off by the glares and the icy attitude. They flew together, and slowly, that icy persona started to melt and Slider saw Tom peeking through. It was only a matter of time before they changed in front of each other, they bunked together after all. Ice told him to close his eyes, and he did - just thinking it was another one of the pilot's quirks - but when Ice told him to open his eyes again, the first thing he saw were the large twin scars on his chest. And Slider might've freaked out because he had no idea what they were, but once Ice explained, he held his hand out for the vial before Ice could even ask - he'd been through enough medical check ups after flights and missions to know that the man hated needles.
Hollywood and Wolfman were the next to learn - entirely by accident. They were messing around in the locker room at Top Gun after a hop because they were the first two back after getting shot down in almost record time, just throwing shit at each other and trying to smack the other with their towel. Ice and Slider are the next to in, both looking pissed and ready to kill - and Hollywood and Wolfman exchanged a single look before calming down their chatter. Ice opened his locker with more force than normal, and something fell out onto the ground and rolled over to Hollywood's foot. He tried to pick it up, but Slider was darting forward to grab it before he could, and Hollywood makes a face - "Dude, steroids are so bad for your heart, you're going to kill your career." Slider is about to tell him off when Ice stops him with a nervous glance, and Hollywood and Wolfman are added to the roster of people more than willing to help Ice with his monthly injection.
Sundown and Chipper never learn outright - but they have their suspicions. When a drunk Slider gets into a bar fight bad enough that the civilian ended up in a hospital bed and Ice ended up bailing Slider out of jail, there was a quiet understanding throughout the entire group. Some drunk prick making a snide comment about Ice's appearance was enough to set all of them on the defensive. Sundown and Chipper might not have known why, but they had their brother's back regardless. They noticed after that incident, Ice seemed to lower his guard a bit more around them.
Maverick was the last to know - and it was completely intentional. In fact, Ice was willing and hoping to go to his grave without Maverick knowing. The only reason he ended up learning was when Ice finally cracked and slammed him against the wall of their shared bunk room on a carrier. It was all heat and passion and years of built up tension crashing down at once around them, and it took only a few seconds for Maverick to rip Ice's shirt off - and then there was an icy chill colder than the Arctic ocean washing over Ice as he saw Maverick's eyes catch on the scars. Ice was ready to get told off, to get thrown out of their room, and dishonorably discharged from the Navy after so many years of careful work to purge any F from his files. But Maverick's hands were burning hot against the scars, tracing them with a concern and care that Ice had never felt before. They said the bare minimum amount of words so Maverick understood the situation, and then they didn't leave their bunk room until they were almost late for breakfast. None of the others commented on how they both carefully adjusted the collars of the flight suit - but money was definitely passed between hands.
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Viper: I have to go out of town for a couple weeks. [points right in Maverick's face]...So whatever you're thinking of doing - don't. Maverick:......OK. (Viper leaves, Maverick turns to Iceman) Maverick(to Ice): Too bad, you probably would've had fun. (Mav slaps Ice on the shoulder and walks away, Ice pauses as he considers what he meant - then realization seems to dawn on him, and Sundown and Chipper burst out laughing)
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hailsbellsl · 8 months ago
The amount of Charlie and Maverick scenes that were in the original TG1986 script probably would’ve taken up half of the movie. Reading the script showed the movie was half about their relationship and half about Top Gun. The other pilot/RIO pairs had a lot more scenes too, while Iceman had a lot less, not counting Hop 31 and the Layton Rescue. But his overall confidence is still evident.
Flex(Chipper) got renamed Pork and Sundown got renamed Fungus
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